72″ X 24ft 75 PSI Treater

72″ X 24ft 75 PSI Treater

OTG#: 1082
A#: 420260
Serial#: 96-03731-3000
CRN#: N3628.2
General Info
Year built 1996
Service Type Sour
Skidded Yes
Housed Yes
Connection Status Disconnected
Warranty No
Treater Info
Treater Capacity (MMBTU/Hr) 1
Treater Vessel Info
Treater Vessel Diameter (inch) 72
Treater Vessel Length (ft) 24
Treater Pressure (PSI) 75
Treater Vessel - Position Horizontal
Treater/ FWKO Vessel Manufacturer Maloney Industries Inc.
Treater Piping Info
Treater/ FWKO Piping - Inlet (inch) 4
Treater Piping ANSI IN (#) 150#
Outlet size (") 2
Treater Piping ANSI OUT (#) 150#
Building/ Skid Info
Building Length (ft) 12
Building Width (ft) 10
Building Heated Yes
Skid Length (ft) 34
Skid Width (ft) 10
Availability Info
Availability Status Available
Street Address 120, 14 Burnt Valley Ave.
Coordinate Type LSD
Nearest Town/ City Red Deer
Province AB
Postal Code T4P 0M5
Country Canada
SKU: 1082 Category:
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